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Align and Awaken

Align And Awaken

with Adi Amar at Anu Yoga School, Durango, CO

September 20 - 22, 2024 Anu Yoga School

A Yoga Journey through the artistry of Asana, mantra, mudra, breath and meditation

Register At Anu Yoga School


The Spine : Stability leads to Mobility, Friday September 20, 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM

In this class we will explore the fluid interplay of stability and mobility. We will investigate techniques to integrate the appendicular skeleton, fostering axial extension. Stability gives rise to mobility. By fortifying your postures with a strong and stable foundation, you can enhance joint mobility and muscle length with safety and ease, unlocking space and freedom within the spine.

Neck and Shoulder Health, Saturday September 21, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Maintaining neck and shoulder health is vital for over all well being, as these areas often bear the brunt of stress and tension from daily activities. We will discover creative ways to reduce tension and pain, improve posture, enhance circulation, deliver nutrients and oxygen to tissues promoting muscular healing, relieve stress, and increase strength to prevent injury to more fully enjoy our athletic pursuits.

Art and Science of Breathing, Saturday September 21, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

The breath, a divine messenger of life, carries the essence of consciousness within and around us. Linked inseparably with consciousness, awareness of the breath deepens our connection to the present moment and expands our consciousness. Exploring its depths can be both daunting and transformative, liberating us from the residue of past experiences and allowing us to taste the elixir of life.

Directly intertwined with the nervous system, the breath serves as a powerful regulator, dismantling the shackles of depression, anxiety, and stress. Through gentle awareness, we empower the master controller within, fostering a sense of aliveness and a profound engagement with life's wonders.

Hips : Ground with Gratitude, Open to Grace, Sunday September 22, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Ground with Gratitude, Open to Grace is a sacred practice where we ground into the present moment with appreciation, acceptance and curiosity for what arises, opening our hearts and minds to the grace of life. As we ground ourselves in gratitude, we create an unwavering foundation from which to open up to grace. Through hip openers, mantra, mudra and guided meditation, we will create a nurturing space for presence, growth, grace and transformation.

Gratitude practices offer a myriad of physiological and psychological benefits including improved physical and mental health, increased joy and life satisfaction, enhanced self esteem and self worth, as well as greater resilience, empathy, and compassion.

The Art of Inversions: Engage to Expand, Sunday September 22, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

All patterns of movement are born out of the sea of spanda known as pulsation in Yoga.  We will investigate the vibrant interplay of muscle engagement and organic energy as we align towards the midline to expand the codes of our essential nature. As we learn to continuously return to center, we can effortlessly navigate the diverse postures encountered on our life's journey.  We will explore this pulsation through postures that will simulate and prepare us for inversions, leaving you revitalised, renewed, and glowing with radiance.

  • Adi Amar was introduced to yoga in 1994 and has been studying and practicing yoga sincerely since the age of 15. She completed her first formal training in 2001 at Mount Madonna under the guidance of Baba Hari Das.

    Adi was hooked by the practice of Yoga as a mental, emotional, and physical healing system. In 1998, Adi had the fortunate experience to practice with Tim Miller and was instantly drawn to the Ashtanga Yoga method. After years of dedicating herself to the Ashtanga practice she began exploring other methods that would assist her in healing a major knee injury from skiing.

    She started studying Iyengar Yoga and integrated a slower approach to her practice and teaching. As a result, Adi weaves detailed alignment within Vinyasa style yoga classes. Adi believes that consistent practice with open awareness is the window into reorganizing old mental patterns and tendencies that have been knowingly or unknowingly ingrained into how we operate and experience life. Through utilizing technologies for well being, Adi strives to inspire a passion for regular practice and taking responsibility for one’s own experience of living life to the fullest. Adi offers methods for individuals to extend his/her own growth and wisdom within inspiring classes that integrate the spiritual and philosophical teachings of Yoga.

August 1

Sacred Journey, Sacred Life: Yoga Retreat With Adi Amar and Cathie Caccia

September 22

Diving Deep: Yoga Immersion With Adi Amar and cAthie Caccia